Homosexualilor li se va permite să se pregătească în seminariile romano-catolice, atât timp cât respectă celibatul, conform noilor orientări anunțate de Conferința Episcopilor Italieni, scrie The Guardian.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Catholic Church is revising its stance on allowing homosexual men to become priests.
While still mandating celibacy, they are now permitting those with same-sex attraction to enter seminaries as long as they demonstrate a commitment to celibacy. The church emphasizes respect for LGBTQ+ individuals, but clarifies that active homosexuals cannot be ordained.
This shift reflects an evolving approach under Pope Francis, who aims for greater inclusivity towards LGBTQ+ individuals.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Catholic Church is revising its stance on allowing homosexual men to become priests. While still mandating celibacy, they are now permitting those with same-sex attraction to enter seminaries as long as they demonstrate a commitment to celibacy. The church emphasizes respect for LGBTQ+ individuals, but clarifies that active homosexuals cannot be ordained. This shift reflects an evolving approach under Pope Francis, who aims for greater inclusivity towards LGBTQ+ individuals.